Crone Cover Featured

Crone Cover Featured

I submitted the cover to Crone to The e-Book cover design awards at . Sadly, we didn’t win, but it was a huge thrill to see it there, alongside some other wonderful designs. The Crone...

Stephen King death threats?

Before we go any further I need to clarify that I have not made Stephen King death threats and I am not likely to. In fact, while he may been party to death threats at some stage, I haven’t even googled that, so I don’t know. I’m sorry if that disappoints anyone. I am...
Three shorts

Three shorts

I’m busily gearing up to publish my debut novel Crone, which is wonderfully exciting (and a bit ohmigerd at the same time) but then remembered there are other fab things on the horizon – namely the release of three short stories this month. The first one is The Fly...
The Writer’s Apprentice

The Writer’s Apprentice

It was never a matter of if, and always a case of when, and so this weekend, my husband and I did a 530-mile round trip in 24 hours to collect a little bundle of fluff. We ummed and ahhed quite a lot. Was it too soon? Yes. Was he too far away? Definitely. Was I trying...